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Painting a picture to drive innovation

This weeks blog focuses on Mark Austin's passion for art how re-connection with our inner child, producing simple images which connect can provide health and wellbeing benefits and a platform to drive innovation.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Pablo Picasso - Having been involved in and encouraged to do art since a child though my gran Margaret Austin (A local amateur artist in Sussex) and family it has always been an interest. I like my gran take the opportunity to spend time with my children to release their art potential i'm always amazed at the vision, vibrancy, positive, simplicity and outcomes / happiness achieved in such a short time.

If its that simple - Why through my 20's and 30's hadn't it been at the forefront of my mind quite simply that inner artist had been lost in the businesses of work and life. Life changed in 2015 when taking a sabbatical from work and traveling through New Zealand and reconnected with nature and how seascapes and sun sets can provide unique images you really connect with. Its often said that if you cant tell a story on one page you haven't thought about it! The water colour daily sketch diary kept rekindled my passion for art and created a fantastic visual record which enables us to conveys a story on one page.

Images that connect -On the return to the UK on the drive to work one Monday morning the most gorgeous sunrise unfolded whilst having a coffee at the services station on the motorway, i decided this was a "New Dawn" this inspired me to record that vision in painting. I never imagined that anyone else would connect with my feelings that created the vision of the painting. As such i was humbled when a colleague purchased the painting and displayed it to everyone in the office receiving very positive feedback and lifting the mood in the office

Wellbeing a platform for innovation- It has got me thinking perhaps the secret to putting the capital H into Health and Safety and providing a healthy, engaged and enthused work force is to reconnect with the inner child, paint a picture and provide the platform for innovation in our lives and business.It has certainly fueled my inspiration to continue with paintings as well as my wood art to support my career and engagement with my family and friends.

Mark would love to here your thoughts on this subject through the website contact ; or linkedin #painttoinnovate #MJA-WOOD

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