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New capability through collaboration and innovation

This month I have trying out a new CNC router machine to increase the range of what we can produce at MJA-WOOD. 

This all started with a idea for the #Kierwtb Kierwherestgebear charity event with the idea to design and manufacture a go cart using technology already used in Kier and collaborating with designers, supply chain and business unit to raise awareness and increase collaboration.

It has been a fascinating experience with lots learnt :-

- practice makes perfect as with anything new

- you need to start with the finished product in mind

- designing to the capabilities of the machine ( I.e to spec)

- learning what machine to use for which piece in the manufacturing process 

- working with and learning new software applications

- close collaboration with the designers

- using colloboration platforms to exchange information in this case bimxtra from Clearbox ( I use it in my role in construction )

This event has made a huge contribution to the charity and has also enabled mjawood to see the art of the possible to increase capability. 

If you require any more information please do not hesitate to Contact us or visit our Shop

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