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Highlights of the year

A quick look back on the year's highlights

Yew natural wood Christmas trees - Most popular product

After making one for myself last year I thought other people might like them so have made a selection ready for Christmas they proved very popular with over 300 views on our Etsy site and 25 sold in total.

Sprocket wall art - Favourite commission

Following a recent commission to make a wall plaque featuring an old motorbike sprocket which had a personal connection. The image above shows the outcome and i will never forget the kind feedback on achieving the vision.

Sprocket wall art

Craft shows - Four attended one prize winning

This time last year i applied for a number of local craft shows and received very positive feedback and has provided the foundation for which to build from.

Prize winning - It's in our hands

Burr oak plaque - My favourite item

One of the most enjoyable things I've made see link

Reconnecting with art

Natures Autumn confetti

InMay i shared the blog on how perhaps art can lead to innovation link below

If you have any ideas on what you would like please contact us on to turn your ideas and vision into a beau

mjawood on instagram

mos0975 on twitter

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