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Prize winning show

Yesterday marked 3 years since my first ever show and it was a good time to reflect on how far mja-wood has come and the artistic direction to go in next. 

From that first show where I was humbled and surprised to secure a 1st prize for my woodturning lime burr bowl, and also made my first significant sale a pedestal table. 

This year I was equally surprised to win 1st prize for my aryclic painting seascape perhaps recognition of a new direction of travel..... But what was most enjoyable was the lovely comments and recognition for my poppy as my work has moved from functional to conceptual art I think this is direction I would most like to go in.

Whatever direction I do decide to take it is still enjoyable just to create the art so anything else is a bonus and recognising everyone have different tastes and you need to cater for them all. 

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