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MJA-Wood End of Year Review

End of Year Review - In this end of year blog review we look at progress on the goals we set ourselves at the start of the year, top ten personal highlight what we aim to achieve in 2019.

Progress on our goals

1) Keep walking around Sussex countryside and seaside  -     😎 

2) Range of prints from the original oil paintings                 -     😒

3) Complete garden sculptures                                           -     😎

4) Develop my CNC machining skills                                  -     😐   

5) Keep supporting local shops, artists and fairs in Sussex-     😎

6) Start making diorama's of the Hastings Net Huts            -     😐

All in all steady progress made towards our short term goals

My  personal highlights from the year are:-

1) Raising over £400 for the Royal British Legion for the poppy auction

2) Making my first wood and resin table

3) Winning a first prize for one of my oil painting's

4) My Son selling his first painting on line

5) Starting collaborations with other artisans connected through Social Media

6) Photographing and painting the best sunset I've ever seen

7) Referenced as a top woodworking blog in the world (No 7

8) Making the most Beautiful Elm Burr bowl from reclaimed timber

What we aim to achieve in 2019 

next year sees us move from a hobby to a sustainable business venture with the following focus areas :-

1) Converting contacts to sales and attend more shows 

2) Develop our best selling products further  Hearts, Shoe Horns and Christmas trees

3) Make more resin tables following customer demand

4) Launch a range of Heirloom toys developed by MJA-WOOD look out for our new website in early 2019

5) Developing a line of up cycled furniture

Thank you to everyone for your support in 2018 wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year and looking forward to seeing you all again in 2019

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