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Lockdown life

Firstly apologies for not writing for a while but I guess for all of us things have changed quite a bit so I've been using this period to decide how to proceed with the art business and helping people out.

Wellbeing first

Artistic practice - During this period I've been using the time to improve my artistic and drawing practice with the help of Sophie Douglas from The Arts School Monday to Friday at 1000hrs on Facebook, a welcome break to the day with different topics each week I'd recommend to anyone.

Restarting the woodwork - I decided right at the start that in the interest of all round health and wellbeing I wouldn't do any large woodwork due to the creation dust and using PPE when the need has been greater elsewhere. I hope to start again in June now supplies are getting back to normal.

Gardening - Well the garden is looking the best it ever has with the first crop of salad already consumed with more to come

Art Exhibition - Ive also been working on shaping the "identity" exhibition for next year with ideas including a virtual art gallery to help show the history, more to come soon

Quick tea pot study from the daily drawings

Helping out others

Art Gallery - The Makery in Eastbourne has had to close due to the current restrictions so we are supporting each other though this time and will are still providing daily updates through the Facebook page.

Free products - We decided to offer our walking sticks and shoehorns free for those in need (postage only) DM for details.

Walking sticks or as one recipient called it a social distancing stick

Thank you

Lastly big thank you to all my regular customers who have been in touch with commissions for the other side of lockdown and new customers who have continued to buy and support through the Etsy shop during this period with our keepsake hearts #ShareTheLove not the virus being the most popular product.

Thank you for #ShareTheLove during this time

And a shout out to all these wonderful businesses you have helped me during this period

Huw Evans for helping me with understanding the social value that Mja-wood creates for every £1 spent £3.1 is generated for the local economy proving shop local and independent worth to Society.

Markie Reeds for helping me with branding and social media presence during this period.

Julia Desch for unwavering support to the business, poetry and creative inspiration.

Josie and Jim Tipler for supporting all the local artists with music

#UkGiftAm and #HandmadeHour for the support on twitter for small businesses

and lots more besides

Stay safe and well and if I can help you in any way please don't hesitate to contact me

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