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Summer of love and reflection

Well I think we can all agree this year has been a bit different from most but there is lots to be thankful for the time to think, the quality family time, supportive customers and engaging conversations

Time to think

Over the summer I've had lots of time to think (and gain feedback) about the direction to take my wood and art journey forward and i've decided to split the business to make it clearer for customers

MJA-Wood the same wood products you love

MJA-Art focus on paintings and sculpture (coming soon)

Quality family time

Living on the south coast we are incredible fortunate to live and work in and around nature and we've spent a lot of time connecting with nature as a family. Walks, beach and garden. I took time to capture these wonderful moments in paintings and photographs. Wonderful shared experience such as drawing on the vines with Off the Line Vineyard and The Arts School

Supportive customers

The wonderful on line community have been incredible supportive with wonderful commissions and a boost in sales over the summer (there was a couple of weeks when the wood didn't like the heat very much). My Favourite these 3 wall sculpture for a customer from a tree from the family home "Butterfly" below.

Engaging conversations

Whether it be socially distanced meet ups or on line the quality for conversation has been fantastic and building even stronger supportive communities of practice and networks to build from some that particularly caught my eye

- Pure arts group - ART 360

Would love to know what you think and how I can help


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